
I’ve finished her The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. It’s been my bedtime reading for a while. If you’d enjoy reading Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? right before sleep, this is a book for your nightstand. It has nothing in common with Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane that I noticed.

There are too many dreams to count. I suspect all with a macabre aspect but I started skipping them after the ones with the cat, dog, and rabbit who suffered some unfortunate death. As soon as I came upon “that night” or “in his sleep” I skipped a paragraph and continued. I think I understood/interpreted the book as well as someone who read every word of all the dreams. How do I know? I read some reviews.

I kept thinking the book was taking place during the 1940’s even though it was published in the 70’s. Several times, people enter unoccupied parked cars left unlocked while the owner is away. The scenes are right outside London – why doesn’t anyone lock their car? People I knew in the 70’s locked their cars when they parked- some locked the doors while they were driving.

What other people had to say about the book:

  • Another really strange book.
  • The writing is terrific.
  • The writing style is so heavy handed with gobs of useless description.
  • What a wild, unpredictable ride.
  • Nothing good to write about this book.
  • This book is a wild ride of a read.
  • The plot is a convoluted spin, and the characters are detestable.
  • I found this one utterly gripping and unique.
  • Five stars for the novel.

As they say, you can’t please everyone.

I’m looking forward to starting a new book tonight.

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