Waking up

I’m trying to end my hibernation.

February 2021 is now gone forever. Here on the West Coast, my birth month always surprises me when spring bursts forth. Daffodils, lilies, and the rosemary all bloomed. The apricot tree, plum tree, and crabapple tree are full of blossoms. Along with the bottle brush tree, the flowers have the bees buzzing and hummingbirds humming.

Living on the Pacific Flyway, on my walks I see the migrant ducks along the shore. They will float and paddle around for at least a month more. The Canada geese no longer depart. I hope they have their paperwork in order.

It’s time to put the red decor away, say goodbye to Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year. My birthday banner disappeared weeks ago. March is a green month – time to retrieve the Irish flag and drape it on the love seat, pull out the green place mats, retrieve my shamrock pin.

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