Week Four

Today marks the beginning of week four of my self-isolation. I’m thinking this may be my life until there is a vaccine. No problem. OK! I’m not alone. There’s a person and a cat in the house also.

I could worry that maybe I’ll get the virus and be dead in three, maybe four weeks. I could worry every day. What a waste of time. If I’m about to die in three-four weeks, the regret of my life would be that I wasted my last weeks in worry about what became inevitable.

Since I have no idea what my future may bring, best to act as though these are the final weeks.

What to do?

Best to send your appreciation to everyone. While it may not be your last weeks, it could be theirs. I’m not negative!! Just realistic. Think of each person who has not yet heard something you have left unsaid. I hope it won’t take more than 3-4 weeks to tell them what it is. OH! Only unsaid good, positive things. Byeee. I have to get busy.

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Green Day

We draped the Irish flag over the back of the living room loveseat which we’ve successfully reclaimed from Blue, the cat. On the mantle, I replaced February’s red candles with green, and there were enough daffodils in the garden to fill a small vase – their stems joined the color theme.

Irish music streamed out of the Sonos for hours except in the office where I spent my day teleworking, as people call it these days.

Yesterday, I baked a loaf of Irish soda bread, my first attempt. It was flavorful but very crumbly. Maybe more butter? We each had a slice with breakfast. Not a fan of corned beef, we had crab cakes for dinner with a Gloria Ferrer chardonnay. Yes, I had three squares or more of Chocolove’s dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds. The wrapper had a new love poem which I couldn’t bring myself to appreciate. More John Donne! Untouched since last year, we left the Tullamore Dew on the shelf. We’re set for next year.

I gave thanks for my ancestors who braved the ocean for a chance at North America with nothing but hope that their new home would be an improvement over the place they left behind. Don’t most of us have that same thanks to give?

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