In the Kitchen

What to do with the bounty from the garden? I continued my adventures in the kitchen.

I made a plum-ginger chutney using the same recipe as I did for the apricot-ginger version since I had plenty of ginger left over and I love its flavor.

My baking began with a rustic plum tart for two.This recipe called for the plums to rest on the crust in a bed of almond meal with a touch of flour and sugar. Also, the finished product was really a tart for four unless you are feeding football players.

Almost ready for the oven.

Ready to eat.

Last Friday, I picked enough blueberries to make another tart. This recipe indicated 6-8 servings which meant 8 at our house. No guests – just 4 nights of tart each.

We bought more than enough vanilla Haagen-Daz to last the four nights we’d be eating the tart. Guess I’ll have to bake another one.

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